14 November 2020 - 31 January 2021
Exhibition of photographs by Katarina Radović
The photographs were taken during the artist's stay at the artist-in-residence programme of the Centre for Art and Design WAAW in Saint-Louis, Senegal in 2013. They became part of the permanent collection of the Museum of African Art in Belgrade.
This is the Belgrade museum's visiting exhibition in the Homeland Museum of Petrovac na Mlavi.
Curated by Ivana Vojt
10 - 22 August 2020
Recently Deleted, Other Albums and Camera Roll - photography/video course at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg, Austria
Tutors: Randa Mirza and Lara Tabet
Katarina Radović, stills from the experimental video Remember When... (2020)
July 2020
Interview with Katarina Radović for Yale University Radio
Conducted by Brainard Carey, artist, lecturer and the director of Praxis Center for Aesthetics
Katarina Radovic lives and works in Belgrade, Serbia. She spoke to us from lockdown as the pandemic entered a second wave in Serbia. During this time she has been focusing on her own work, including previous work that she had stepped away from when life got in the way. One quarantine project involved wrapping her camera in plastic, essentially putting it in quarantine. The project itself is called Diary of a Camera in Quarantine and allowed her to record that period as it shifted from day to day. Radovic allowed the images to develop in their own way - some coming out a bit blurred, a representation of the suffocation of not only being locked down but of the effects of COVID19 on the lungs. When she looked at the photos after the project was complete, Radovic found she could not look for very long without a feeling of suffocation. For more about this project as well as discussion of another project centered around her difficult and at times traumatizing relationship with her grandmother, listen to the complete interview:
7 - 25 July 2020
Portraits Without Faces - group exhibition of contemporary photography in PH21 Gallery in Budapest, Hungary
Katarina Radović, from the series I'm Going to Live a Hundred Years! (2020)
May 2020
Online group exhibition - Enclosed Spaces on Covid Photo Museum
Katarina Radović, Diary of a Camera in Quarantine (2020)
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